Walking With The Divine

Written by Dani Lewis

Dani is a freelance content writer/blogger and lifelong seeker of wonder. She lives in the foothills of the Cuyamaca Mountains near San Diego, California.

Quieting The Mind


October 18, 2024

There is divinity in nature. When I spend time hiking in the hills near my home, I return a different person than when I left. I don’t have to do anything; I just walk. It’s peaceful, and not long after I take my first, deep breath, I surrender to the cadence of the rustling field grass, the earthy aroma of dirt and dust, the melody of the birdsong. I am embraced by the vast sky and vibrant colors all around me.


There is no demand or requirement in order to access this grace. It’s freely given from what is. All we need to do is be open and receptive to its many gifts and we are filled with gratitude.

Life is like that. What it offers is consistent, unwavering access to the Divine.


The opportunity to tap into this divinity is available to us at any point in our day. That peaceful inner atmosphere that says: “All is well in my world” is a choice we make moment-by-moment.


When life’s challenges come knocking—financial setbacks, unwanted news, a broken heart—yes, we are in it and it’s real enough, to be sure. But we don’t have to believe in the setback as if its our only option, that we’re down for the count.


Could it be an opportunity? Maybe life is nudging us, attempting to get our attention to rethink a past decision, or an expectation of failure that we have been courting unawares. Maybe, just maybe, the setback is an opportunity that will take us to where we want to go next?


“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.             

~Dale Carnegie


More than a few accomplished people have given us advice on the how-tos of living a successful life. A common thread that connects those that have achieved their goals is how they view failure.


If you’re looking for an open door that can lead you to seeing your challenges differently, here it is . . . go for a walk and surround yourself in nature’s beauty—get inspired!


That inspiration can effortlessly bring us to gratitude. And when we are filled with gratitude we are much more likely to see that open door. You know the one, where all of a sudden, seemingly our of nowhere, a stream of light comes rushing at us and we find ourselves feeling good about life for no reason in particular. Our worries seem far away and we’re enjoying the moment just as it is.


By the way, you don’t have to be walking in the hills in order to tap into the healing that is offered there. Just taking a moment with your eyes closed, imaging the beauty of the natural world—breathing in the experience as though you were there: smelling the freshness in the open air, visualizing the vastness of the sky, the vibrant colors, listening to the birds. What does that feel like?


You will notice a shift in your body, your thoughts, feeling more connected, relaxed, and at ease. You just might find your day a bit more enjoyable, people around you smile more, and you feel a sense of grace filling you in the most delightful of ways.

Happy Trails!


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